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Rob Linkey –

(P.S. Please remember to read any warning labels on all nutritional product before consuming. Pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, hypoglycemic, and people with known medical conditions and/or taking drugs should consult with a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to taking dietary supplements. All dietary supplements should be kept out of the reach of children.)

Lecithin represents my personal “Pick #4” from my email series: “VitaDyme Picks & Synergy Tips.” Please go to: to grab your FREE report : “How & Where to Buy Quality Vitamins – Without Having to Spend Your Last Dime!” and to receive my weekly “VitaDyme Picks & Synergy Tips” emails if you have not yet done so. These “Picks” are products that I have personally benefited from in noticeable ways. The following is an excerpt from the weekly email series concerning this product:

My personal “Pick” for this week – Lecithin – derives its name from the Greek word “lekithos” which means “the yolk;” however, most supplements are derived from soy due to cost.  Lecithin is another amazing substance that provides many wonderful health benefits.

 My interest in lecithin was peaked when I discovered that my 80 year old grandmother had been taking it as a supplement for many years. My grandmother lived to be 93 years old and what amazed me about her was that she could recount detailed stories about people, events and places from her distant past as though they had occurred yesterday. I realize, of course, that her sharp mind was a gift from God; however, I have often wondered if her lecithin supplementation didn’t help her mental acuity?

 I personally have noticed the difference in my own mind and body between the times that I took lecithin on a daily regular basis as opposed to the times I didn’t. (Lecithin supplementation is now part of my regular diet.)

 Lecithin is essential to the body because cell membranes are mainly composed of lecithin and they allow the transport of nutrients into the cells and toxins out of the cells. Without lecithin the membranes would become hardened. Lecithin is a fatty type substance of the phospholipids group and it consists of phosphoric acid, glycerol, choline, potassium, two types of fatty acids – linoleic acid and inositol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol. Lecithin emulsifies fat (just sprinkle some on the solidified fat drippings of a roast and see what happens).

 Lecithin can be beneficial to liver and cell health, cardiovascular health, cell communication, memory improvement, learning and reaction time, fat metabolism, fat transport, muscle endurance, physical performance, arthritis relief, healthy skin, healthy hair and treatment of gall stones.

 Lecithin has been used to help treat memory disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s. It has also been used for treating certain types of depression, anxiety, gall stones, cirrhosis of the liver, high cholesterol and eczema.

The statements above are solely for informational purposes. THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. This information does not constitute the practice of medicine and it is not intended to replace the advice of your physician or professional health care provider. I do not assume any responsibility for any potential consequences from any therapy, treatment, dietary modification, procedure, action or application of medication which results from reading, following or relying upon the information stated above. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.