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Rob Linkey –

(P.S. Please remember to read any warning labels on all nutritional product before consuming. Pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, hypoglycemic, and people with known medical conditions and/or taking drugs should consult with a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to taking dietary supplements. All dietary supplements should be kept out of the reach of children.)

DMG from Food Science of Vermont represents my personal “Pick #3” from my email series: “VitaDyme Picks & Synergy Tips.” Please go to: to grab your FREE report : “How & Where to Buy Quality Vitamins – Without Having to Spend Your Last Dime!” and to receive my weekly “VitaDyme Pick & Synergy Tip” emails if you have not yet done so. These “Picks” are products that I have personally benefited from in noticeable ways. The following is an excerpt from the weekly email series concerning this product:

My personal “Pick” for this week is not without controversy and therefore you should conduct your own studies and consult with a healthcare professional before reaching your own conclusions about its benefits or detriments. I first learned about this product many years ago when I read an article about Russian athletes who were claiming some remarkable improvements in their performances after using this product. Some of the beneficial claims associated with this product include the following: promotes oxygen utilization, reduces lactic acid build-up in workouts, supports the immune system, cardiovascular system, glucose metabolism, brain function, mental acuity and enhances energy. It is a product that can be found in beans and liver but it has been given a long “scientific” sounding name. When I first started taking this product, I noticed an increase in physical endurance and I also noticed that my memory improved. I am very uni-focal and often don’t pay attention to other details like: where I left my shoes etc… However, I started remembering things outside of my focused world that I normally wouldn’t have remembered after I started using this product. Click the “Food Science of Vermont” image above to discover the amazing benefits of this product for yourself (at a price way below retail.)

The statements above are solely for informational purposes. THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. This information does not constitute the practice of medicine and it is not intended to replace the advice of your physician or professional health care provider. I do not assume any responsibility for any potential consequences from any therapy, treatment, dietary modification, procedure, action or application of medication which results from reading, following or relying upon the information stated above. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.